Below is information on our Pioneer Seed Products. Please scroll down to find out more.
Pioneer has the world’s most comprehensive corn germplasm library, creating more unique genetic lines every year. Advanced breeding technologies have reduced our development time by 30% over the last decade, undergoing rigorous stress tests with new tools to give precise measurements on how the plants respond.
Pioneer has increased their testing recently, having a second year of pre-commercial testing. Adding more locations and expanding decision zones and regions. Pioneer now conducts 8x more late-stage field tests, comparing proven leaders, competitive seeds and experimental hybrids, so on the best make it to a farmer’s field.
In our local area, we are starting to realize the results from this Pioneer corn revolution with new hybrids 9540, 92399, and 87040 providing the best 85-95 day corn hybrid lineup around.
Pioneer Brand corn hybrids are bred and tested to the toughest standards, providing farmers with exceptional performance. Field proven, and ready for yours.
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The unique germplasm in Pioneer brand Z-Series Enlist E3 soybeans was developed and tested locally to deliver strong agronomic performance, plant health and higher yield potential for your fields. To be a leader, plant the leader.
By leveraging our global breeding program and elite germplasm, our superior lineup of Pioneer brand sunflowers maximize yield potential and leading agronomics while enhancing weed control with the ExpressSun trait. Pioneer’s mid oleic and high oleic sunflower hybrids produce high yield potential and consistent oil content across various growing conditions. The balance of yield potential and oil content helps ensure performance is not sacrificed while seeking oil premiums.
Pioneer offers leading disease tolerance- downy mildew, sclerotinia and Phomopsis stem canker-with unique, proprietary genetics to help maximize performance year after year. The ExpressSun trait provides exceptional weed control of many broadleaf weeds, including Canada thistle, giving flexibility to apply herbicides from burndown to bud formation.
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Pioneer® brand canola hybrids are bred to give you a competitive advantage by consistently delivering outstanding disease resistance for top-end performance. Our balanced product lineup features early growth, improved standability and excellent harvestability.
We combine industry-leading research with top traits to help improve your productivity. Our hybrids offer unmatched disease resistance to blackleg, sclerotinia and clubroot. With elite genetics, our canola hybrids deliver industry-leading yield potential and consistent oil content across a wide range of growing conditions.